We offer our clients support in the setup and execution of insurance protection. We have been providing our brokerage services since 1992. We are active in the Polish and foreign insurance markets.

Based on the competencies of our employees and consultants we are able to provide high quality services.

We analyze the needs of our clients

We identify and analyse the risks of your businesses and assets. We listen to your expectations and we identify your insurance needs. At your request we audit your existing insurance contracts.

We develop insurance programs that meet the needs of our clients

We create individual insurance programs aligned with your needs. We suggest various solutions that can reduce the insurance cost.

We negotiate the detailed scope of protection and the price of insurance for our clients

We manage offers tenders by insurance companies. While negotiating insurance conditions we are using the extensive experience and knowledge of our employees and consultants.

We are always guided by your interests therefore apart from negotiating details of insurance contracts we aim to reduce the offered costs. Our offers are optimal combination of the right scope of protection and the associated price.

We prepare a detailed list of insurance offers for our clients

We prepare comparison of offers in comfortable form, generally in descriptive and tabular form or in the form of presentations using multimedia solutions. Our analysis is personalized to your needs and insurance requirements.

We recommend and advise on the choice of insurance for our clients

We provide you a written broker recommendation indicating the best insurance offer explaining the underlying assumptions.

We provide insurance training for our clients

We provide training courses for your employees to raise their knowledge and competences of insurance, creating real source of protection. We explain to your employees how insurance works, scope, exclusions and obligations arising from insurance contracts.

We shape and actively participate in clients’ insurance policy

We support you in the negotiations of the insurance requirements in connection third party business negotiations. We work on insurance requirements to be include in contracts with your business partners, aligned with the specifics of the insurance market to protect your interests as best as possible.

We provide ongoing service for insurance contracts

We supervise the execution of insurance contracts. We deliver policies, certificates, annexes and assignments to you. We take care of additional insurance, expiring dates of policies and due payments. Thanks to our actions you can save your employees’ time.

We support the claim settlement process of our clients

We actively assist in the claims settlements. We monitor the claims settlement process, help in collecting the necessary documentation and analyze it before submitting to the insurance companies. We asses damage valuations and the correctness of approved claims based on our experience. We appeal on your behalf against unsatisfactory decisions of insurance companies.